The Espresso Express Menu
A classic Italian espresso drink, prepared with a double shot of our espresso, steamed milk and milk foam. Similar to the latte, with a thicker layer of micro foam. Traditionally there isn't usually a flavor added, but we won't tell anyone.
Espresso is Italian for "to express" or, to force out. Meaning we force out all the good stuff from the beans under high pressure and high temperatures. The result is a higher consistancy of suspended and dissolved particles giving a much thicker drink than standard coffee, with much, much more concentated flavors and punch, topped with a beautiful smooth crema.
One of our best sellers. Much like the relationship of chocolate and caramel, Creme de Banana and Chocolate accompany eachother surprisingly well in this drink. Creme de banana delivering a pleasently sweet and distinct fruity aroma and aftertaste in addition to the classic pleasantry of chocolate. In a word, wonderful!
Despite the name, they actually originated in San Francisco. The syrups however, were a creation of the Torani family in 1925 (The More You Know). A delightful and light refreshment for any occasion.
Pic your favorite flavor(s) or perhaps try something new? All drinks are also available with a milk or almond milk (milked from real live almonds!) base. A latte is a coffee drink made with espresso and steamed milk. The term as used in English is a shortened form of the Italian caffè latte, which means "milk coffee". Choose from our large list of flavors
Hazelnut, chocolate and caramel sauces blended perfectly to taste just like a America's favorite candy bar... in a drink!
All of our teas are made with a wonderful array of ingredients in a loose-leaf fashion. They all exhibit visually identifiable natural ingredients with a fresh aroma and flavor. Only bitter if you want it to be.
NO THERE'S NO ALCOHOL IN THIS, unless you add your own, but even though there isn't, you have to admit that the worst tasting part of a White Russian... is the alcohol. We must say, whoever first made it sure knew what they were doing though! White Chocolate and Irish Cream combine to mimic the classic alcoholic beverage and replace the alcohol with something you can have a work (without getting fired), CAFFIENE!
If you love chocolate.... and who doesn't!? Dark chocolate and white chocolate battle it out while riding dragons and unicorns for the throne of the kingdom of your palette. Who will be victorious?!
The itallian version of coffee, with the option to make it as strong as you could possibly want. Our espresso beans are a bold and rich, yet not bitter or sour, tri-blend of Central/South American and African beans, with a chocolate and berry undertone and a savory and enticing aroma giving a new level to your "American coffee".
Chocolate and caramel in just the right balance that perfectly complement eachother, making a simple yet delicious chocolate flavored drink enhanced with the distinct syrupy aftertaste of caramel. You can't go wrong here.